JLPT N4 Grammar – The usage of “〜すぎる”

Table of Contents
1. Can “〜すぎる” be used in a positive sense?
2. “〜すぎる”
3. “〜て”
4. The Roles of “〜すぎる” and “〜て”
5. Why is “おもしろすぎて好きです” unnatural?
6. Summary
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: I was told that the sentence “このゲームはおもしろすぎて好きです。” is incorrect. Does that mean “〜すぎる” cannot be used in a positive sense?
A: “すぎる” itself can be used in both positive and negative contexts, but the issue lies in the balance with the following sentence. The key point here is not just how “すぎる” is used alone but also how it combines with connective expressions like “〜て.” In particular, when using “〜すぎて,” it is important to pay attention to the type of sentence that follows. This article will explain the details.
〜すぎる (JLPT N4)
[V] Verb stem + すぎる
*ない ⇒ なさすぎる
[A] い adjectiveい + すぎる
*いい ⇒ 良すぎる
[Na] な adjective + すぎる
I have too little money this month, so I can’t go anywhere.
That dog is too cute!
This job is way too tough!
~て (JLPT N4)
[V] Verb て form
*ない ⇒ なくて
[A] い adjective て form
*いい ⇒ 良くて
[Na] な adjective て form
[N] Noun て form
I ran and got tired.
your voice is too quiet, and I can’t hear.
Mt. Fuji was very beautiful, and I was surprised.
The train stopped due to the typhoon.
The Roles of “〜すぎる” and “〜て”
Let’s analyze the sentence “このゲームは おもしろすぎて好きです。”
To understand why this sentence sounds unnatural, we will explain it based on the roles of “〜すぎる” and “〜て.”
① 「〜すぎる」
・Indicates that something exceeds a certain degree.
・Expresses the speaker’s surprise, excitement, or disappointment.
② 「〜て」
・Indicates a reason or cause.
・Often followed by psychological or physical states such as “困る (to be troubled), 大変だ (to be difficult), 疲れた (to be tired)” or changes like “笑う (to laugh), 驚く (to be surprised), 泣く (to cry).”
Why is “おもしろすぎて好きです” unnatural?
[Reason ①: “好き” cannot follow “〜すぎて”]
“〜すぎて” indicates a reason or cause, and it is usually followed by a change or reaction.
◯ 彼の冗談が おもしろすぎて 笑ってしまいました。
His joke was too funny, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
⇒ The joke caused the reaction of laughing, which is a natural consequence.
× このゲームは おもしろすぎて 好きです。
This game is too interesting, so I like it.
⇒ “好き” expresses a continuous emotion, so it does not indicate a sudden change or reaction caused by “すぎる.” This makes the sentence unnatural.
[Reason ②: “すぎる” emphasizes excessive degree]
“すぎる” often implies that something exceeds a standard to the point of being problematic.
On the other hand, “好き” is not a matter of degree but rather a continuous personal feeling.
As a result, the structure “おもしろすぎて好き” does not work logically.
[Appropriate Rewording]
× このゲームはおもしろすぎて好きです。
This game is too interesting, so I like it.
◯ このゲームはおもしろいですから好きです。
I like this game because it is interesting.
◯ このゲームはおもしろすぎて、夢中になってしまいました。
This game is too interesting, and I got completely absorbed in it.
To explain the reason for “好き”, using “〜から” instead of “〜すぎて” is more natural.
- “〜すぎる” can be used in both positive and negative contexts.
- “〜すぎて” indicates a reason or cause, and it is often followed by a change or state.
- Since “好き” expresses a continuous emotion, it does not naturally combine with “〜すぎて.”
- To express the reason for “好き,” using “〜から” is more natural.
Understand the meaning and role of each expression to create natural Japanese sentences!
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