JLPT N4 Grammar – Difference between “〜ている” and “〜ているところだ”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “〜ている” and “〜ているところだ”
2. “ている” VS “ているところだ”
3. How to Use “〜ているところだ”
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: What is the difference between “母は料理をしています” and “母は料理をしているところです”?
A: Both “〜ている” and “〜ているところだ“indicate an ongoing action or process, but their meanings differ. This article will explain the details.
“ている” VS “ているところだ”
The key difference between these two expressions is that “ている” indicates an action that has continued from a certain point to the present, while “ているところだ” focuses on and emphasizes an action happening at that very moment.
I am watching TV now.
⇒ Describes an ongoing action in progress.
I am in the middle of watching TV now.
⇒ Emphasizes that the action of “watching TV” is happening at this exact moment.
How to Use “〜ているところだ”
Let’s consider situations where you want to strongly emphasize an action in progress.
[Situation 1: Watching TV and Not Wanting to Do Anything Else]
母: 早く晩ごはん食べなさい!
子ども: 今、テレビを見ているところなんだよ!!
Mother: Hurry up and eat your dinner!
Child: I’m in the middle of watching TV right now!!
⇒ Emphasizes that the child is watching TV and doesn’t want to do anything else.
[Situation 2: Being Asked About a Work Task by a Boss]
上司: 鈴木さん、あの資料はできた?
鈴木: すみません。今、作っているところです。
Boss: Suzuki, is that document ready?
Suzuki: Sorry, I’m in the middle of making it right now.
⇒ Emphasizes that Suzuki is currently working on the document.
Compared to “〜ている”, “〜ているところだ” places a strong focus on the action happening at that exact moment and emphasizes its progression.
Let’s Compare
Which form, “〜ている” or “〜ているところだ”, should be used in the following sentences?
The correct expression in both cases is “〜ている”.
“〜ている” not only describes an ongoing action but also expresses a state or a natural phenomenon.
On the other hand, “〜ているところだ” can only describe an action in progress, so it cannot be used in these cases. Be sure to use it correctly!
- Expresses a simple ongoing action.
- Can also indicate a state or natural phenomenon.
- Focuses on and emphasizes an action happening at that very moment.
- Cannot express a state or natural phenomenon.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. 通っています
My sister goes to a university in Tokyo.
*Since “通う”is a stative verb, the correct form is “通っています”.
A. 作っているところ
Child: Mom, isn’t dinner ready yet?
Mother: I’m cooking it right now.
*If the mother wants to emphasize that she is “in the middle of” cooking right now, “〜ているところ” is more appropriate. Using “〜ている” would weaken the nuance.
A. 晴れている
It’s sunny today, so let’s go out.
*Since “晴れる” is a natural phenomenon, the correct form is “晴れている”.
A. 考えているところ
John: What do you think about this issue?
Yumi: I’m in the middle of thinking about it.
*Since “ちょうど今” (just now) is being used, “〜ているところ” is more appropriate.