JLPT N1 Grammar List
Grammar | Meaning・Rule | Examples | Link |
あっての | [Meaning] Indicates that because of one thing, the other exists or holds value [Rule] [N] Noun + あっての | 努力あっての成功です。 Success is only possible through effort. 信頼あってのビジネスです。 Business exists because of trust. | – |
いかんで | [Meaning] Indicates that the situation changes or a decision is made depending on the degree or type of something [Rule] [N] Noun (+ の) + いかんで | 明日の天気いかんで、キャンプに行くかどうか決めよう。 Depending on tomorrow’s weather, let’s decide whether to go camping. 彼の反応いかんで、この計画を進めるかどうか決めます。 Depending on his reaction, we will decide whether to proceed with this plan. | – |
いかんでは | [Meaning] Indicates that depending on the condition, the situation or result may change [Rule] [N] Noun (+ の) + いかんでは | その提案はいかんでは、プロジェクトの方向性を変えるかもしれません。 Depending on the proposal, we may change the direction of the project. 状況いかんでは、この問題は解決できないかもしれません。 Depending on the situation, this problem might not be solvable. | – |
いかんに関わらず | [Meaning] Indicates that regardless of the situation, the outcome or situation does not change [Rule] [N] Noun (+ の) + いかんに関わらず | 彼の意見いかんに関わらず、計画は変更しないつもりです。 Regardless of his opinion, we do not intend to change the plan. 成績の良し悪しいかんに関わらず、全員が卒業します。 Regardless of grades, everyone will graduate. | – |
いかんによらず | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “いかんにかかわらず”: Regardless of the situation, the outcome or situation does not change [Rule] [N] Noun (+ の) + いかんによらず | 成績いかんによらず、すべての生徒が参加できます。 Regardless of grades, all students can participate. あなたの意見いかんによらず、この決定は変わりません。 Regardless of your opinion, this decision will not change. | – |
限りだ | [Meaning] Used to express the speaker’s emotions strongly [Rule] [A] い adjective + 限りだ [Na] な adjective +限りだ | 彼が成功したと聞いて、嬉しい限りだ。 Hearing of his success, I feel extremely happy. こんな面白い話を聞けて、愉快な限りだ。 Listening to such an interesting story is truly delightful. | – |
かたがた | [Meaning] Indicates that a single action serves multiple purposes and achieves them simultaneously [Rule] [V] Noun of する verbs + かたがた | この本を持っていくかたがた、お礼の手紙を渡しました。 I delivered a thank-you letter while bringing this book. 旅行かたがた、友達に会いに行きました。 I went to see my friend while traveling. | – |
かたわら | [Meaning] Indicates that while primarily having a certain occupation or role, one is also engaged in another activity [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + かたわら [N] Noun + の + かたわら | 彼女は仕事のかたわら、ボランティア活動も行っています。 She engages in volunteer work while having a job. 彼は本を読むかたわら、音楽も聴いています。 He listens to music while reading a book. | – |
かと思いきや | [Meaning] Used when what was initially thought turns out to be different from reality [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + かと思いきや [A] い adjective plain form + かと思いきや [Na] な adjective plain form + かと思いきや [N] Noun plain form + かと思いきや | 彼はすぐに来るかと思いきや、結局来ませんでした。 I thought he would come right away, but in the end, he didn’t. 寒いかと思いきや、意外と暖かかったです。 I thought it would be cold, but surprisingly, it was warm. この問題は簡単かと思いきや、解くのに時間がかかりました。 I thought this problem would be easy, but it took a long time to solve. 彼は先生かと思いきや、生徒でした。 I thought he was a teacher, but he was a student. | – |
からある/する/からの | [Meaning] Used to emphasize a large quantity or degree [Rule] [N] Quantity + からある / + からの [N] Price + からする / + からの | 1000人からの参加者が集まりました。 Over 1,000 participants gathered. このイベントに参加するには、1万円からするチケットを買わなければいけません。 To join this event, you need to buy a ticket costing at least 10,000 yen. | – |
かれ~かれ | [Meaning] Indicates that regardless of the degree or difference, something will inevitably happen or have an effect [Rule] [A] い adjective | 遅かれ早かれ、結果がわかるでしょう。 Sooner or later, we will know the result. 高かれ安かれ、品質が良ければ問題ありません。 Whether expensive or cheap, if the quality is good, there’s no problem. | – |
がてら | [Meaning] Indicates that while performing an action for a specific purpose, another action is done as well [Rule] [V] Verb stem + がてら [N] Noun of する verbs + がてら | 散歩がてら、近くのカフェに寄ってみました。 I stopped by a nearby café while taking a walk. 買い物がてら、友達と会う予定です。 I plan to meet a friend while doing some shopping. | – |
が早いか | [Meaning] Indicates that as soon as one action occurs, another action happens immediately afterward [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + が早いか | 彼がドアを開けるがはやいか、子どもたちは部屋に駆け込みました。 As soon as he opened the door, the children rushed into the room. 彼が話し終わるがはやいか、皆が笑い出しました。 As soon as he finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter. | – |
きっての | [Meaning] Used to refer to the best or most representative person, place, or thing within a certain group or category [Rule] [N] Noun + きっての | 彼は日本きっての人気俳優です。 He is one of Japan’s most popular actors. これは世界きっての美しい景色です。 This is one of the most beautiful views in the world. | – |
きらいがある | [Meaning] Used to criticize someone for being prone to a certain tendency or behavior [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form / negative form + きらいがある [N] Noun + の + きらいがある | 彼は何でもすぐにあきらめるきらいがあります。 He tends to give up on everything quickly. 彼女は人に頼むのを嫌がるきらいがあります。 She tends to dislike asking people for help. | – |
極まる | [Meaning] Indicates an extreme situation or one that goes beyond limits, often used to express discomfort or criticism [Rule] [Na] な adjective | あんなに大声で話すのは、失礼極まる行動です。 Speaking that loudly is extremely rude behavior. 彼の無関心な態度には不愉快極まります。 His indifferent attitude is extremely unpleasant. | – |
こととて | [Meaning] A somewhat old and formal expression used to give reasons for an apology or to seek forgiveness [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + こととて [A] い adjective plain form + こととて [Na] な adjective + こととて [N] Noun + の + こととて | 急なお願いで失礼することとて、何卒ご理解ください。 Please understand, as it is a sudden request. 体調不良のこととて、今日はお休みさせていただきます。 As I’m feeling unwell, I will take the day off. | – |
ごとき/ごとく | [Meaning] An old expression with the same meaning as “ように” [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + ごとき / ごとく [N] Noun + の + ごとき / ごとく [N] Noun + である + ごとき / ごとく | 彼女は月のごとく美しいです。 She is as beautiful as the moon. 夢のごとく幸せな時間でした。 It was a happy time, like a dream. 弓のごとく引かれた線で、この絵がより魅力的になっています。 This picture is made more captivating by lines drawn like a bow. | – |
始末だ | [Meaning] Indicates that something ultimately results in a very bad outcome [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + 始末だ | そんなことを言ったら、結局、みんなに嫌われる始末です。 If you say something like that, you’ll end up being disliked by everyone. 遅刻して、社長に怒られる始末だ。 I was late and ended up being scolded by the company president. | – |
術がない | [Meaning] Indicates there is no way to do something or nothing can be done [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + 術がない | この問題には術がない。どうしても解決できないよ。 There is no way to solve this problem. It’s impossible to fix. 大事な時計が壊れましたが、古くて修理する術がありません。 My important watch broke, but it’s old and there’s no way to repair it. | – |
すら | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “さえ.” It emphasizes that even the most basic or minimal thing is impossible or difficult [Rule] [N] Noun + すら | 彼は漢字すら書けません。 He cannot even write kanji. 優秀な彼ですらこの問題を解けないのに、私にできるわけがないよ。 Even someone as capable as him cannot solve this problem, so there’s no way I can. | さえ VS すら |
ずくめ | [Meaning] Indicates being filled with something or a continuous occurrence of something [Rule] [N] Noun + ずくめ | この店の料理は辛いものずくめです。 The food at this restaurant is all spicy. 今年はいい仕事を見つけて、素敵な人にも出会えていいことずくめです。 This year has been full of good things — I found a good job and met a wonderful person. | ずくめ VS まみれ |
ずにはおかない | [Meaning] ①Indicates that something happens naturally or inevitably, or that one naturally feels a certain way. ②Expresses a strong determination or intent to achieve something [Rule] [V] Verb negative form [V] Verb negative form + では + おかない *しない,→せずにはおかない | ①あの歌を聞くと、歌わずにはおかない気持ちになります。 Hearing that song makes me want to sing. ①この映画を見たら、涙せずにはおかないよ。 This movie will surely make you cry. ②彼はどんなことがあっても、必ず成功させずにはおかないです。 He will make sure to succeed, no matter what happens. ②犯人を必ず捕まえずにはおかない。 The criminal will definitely be caught. | – |
ずにはすまない | [Meaning] Expresses a strong sense of duty, responsibility, or an unavoidable consequence in a given situation [Rule] [V] Verb negative form [V] Verb negative form + では + すまない *しない→せずにはすまない | あんなことをしたからには、謝らずにはすまない。 Since I did something like that, I have no choice but to apologize. この失敗は、責任を取らないではすまないでしょう。 This failure will require taking responsibility. 約束を破ったことについては、必ず説明せずにはすまない。 Since I broke my promise, I must provide an explanation. | – |
そばから | [Meaning] Indicates that as soon as one action occurs, another action happens immediately afterward [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form / past form + そばから | 彼は本を読むそばから、すぐに寝てしまうそうです。 As soon as he starts reading a book, he falls asleep. そうじをするそばから、子どもたちがまた散らかしてしまいます。 As soon as I clean up, the kids make a mess again. | – |
たためしがない | [Meaning] Indicates that something has never happened or been experienced in the past [Rule] [V] Verb past form + ためしがない | 彼は、やると言ってやったためしがありません。 He says he’ll do it, but he never does. ジョンさんは時間通りに来たためしがない。 John has never arrived on time. | – |
ただ~のみ | [Meaning] Used to emphasize and limit the statement to just one thing [Rule] [V] ただ + verb plain form + のみ [A] ただ + い adjective plain form + のみ [Na] ただ + な adjective plain form + のみ [Na] ただ + な adjective [N] ただ + noun plain form + のみ [N] ただ + noun + である + のみ | 試験の結果がどうなるか、ただ祈るのみです。 All I can do is pray for the exam results. 今の生活はただ辛いのみで、明るい未来が想像できない。 My life right now is just painful, and I can’t imagine a bright future. ただ有名であるのみで、彼には実力が伴っていません。 He is merely famous, but his ability does not match. 昨日のパーティーではただ挨拶のみで、ほとんど交流がありませんでした。 At yesterday’s party, there was only a greeting, and little interaction. | – |
た弾みに/拍子に | [Meaning] Indicates that something happens naturally or accidentally as a result of another event [Rule] [V] Verb past form + 弾みに / 拍子に | 彼のやさしい言葉を聞いた弾みに、涙が出てきました。 When I heard his kind words, I started crying. 倒れた拍子に、電話が壊れてしまいました。 When I fell, my phone broke. | – |
たところで | [Meaning] Indicates that even if an action or effort is made, the expected result or effect cannot be achieved [Rule] [V] Verb past form + ところで | 今から勉強したところで、試験には受かりそうもないよ。 Even if I start studying now, I don’t think I’ll pass the exam. いくら頼んだところで、彼は手伝ってくれないでしょう。 No matter how much you ask, he probably won’t help. | – |
た分だけ | [Meaning] Indicates that the outcome or effect changes depending on the extent or duration of an action [Rule] [V] Verb past form + 分だけ | 勉強した分だけ、試験の結果が良くなりました。 The more I studied, the better my exam results were. 経験を積んだ分だけ、以前よりもお客様への応対力が上がりました。 The more experience I gained, the better I became at handling customers. | – |
たまでだ/ことだ | [Meaning] Used when expressing that an action was done as a natural or obvious thing without special consideration [Rule] [V] Verb past form + までだ / までのことだ | 人として当たり前のことをしたまでです。 I just did what anyone would do. 困っている人を助けたまでだよ。 I only helped someone in need. | – |
たら最後 | [Meaning] Expresses the worst possible outcome, indicating that once a certain action happens, there is no returning to the original state [Rule] [V] Verb past form + ら最後 | そんなことをしたら最後、もう誰も信じてくれなくなるよ。 If you do something like that, no one will trust you anymore. 一度彼を怒らせたら最後、なかなか機嫌を直してくれません。 Once you make him angry, he won’t calm down easily. | – |
たりとも~ない | [Meaning] A strong negative expression using “1” and a counter to emphasize that not even the smallest unit is allowed or available [Rule] [N] 1 + counter + たりとも~ない | 一分たりとも無駄にしてはなりません。 You must not waste even a single minute. 結局、彼は一言たりとも話しませんでした。 In the end, he didn’t say a single word. | – |
たる | [Meaning] Used with words indicating a position or role, expressing the ideal attitude or behavior associated with that role [Rule] [N] Noun + たる | リーダーたる者、部下を守る責任があります。 A leader has a responsibility to protect their subordinates. 社会人たる者、約束は守るべきです。 As a member of society, you should keep your promises. | – |
だに | [Meaning] Similar to “~するだけでも” or “~するすら.” Used with words expressing surprise, fear, disgust, or admiration to convey strong emotion [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + だに [N] Noun of する verbs + だに [N] Noun + だに *夢→夢にだに | 彼女の無礼な態度を見るだに、腹が立ちます。 Just seeing her rude attitude makes me angry. そのような大事件が起こることを想像だにしなかった。 I never even imagined such a major incident could happen. 長い計画が実現できるなんて、夢にだに思っていませんでした。 I never dreamed that such a long-term plan would come true. | – |
だの~だの | [Meaning] Used to mention two specific examples when expressing dissatisfaction or criticism [Rule] [V] [A] [Na] [N] Verb / い adjective / な adjective / noun plain form + だの + verb / い adjective / な adjective / noun plain form + だの | 彼は遅刻だの、宿題を忘れただの、毎回問題を起こしています。 He is always causing problems, like being late or forgetting homework. 母は寒いだの疲れただのと文句を言っています。 My mother is complaining about things like the cold and being tired. | – |
つくす | [Meaning] Indicates the state of something being completely used up or depleted. Indicates doing something thoroughly or completely [Rule] [V] Verb stem + つくす | ①子供はお腹が空いていたようで、出した料理を食べつくしてしまいました。 The child seemed hungry and ate up all the food. ①わたしのアイデアは出つくしたので、何か考えてくれませんか。 I’ve exhausted all my ideas; can you think of something? ②彼は歴史のことを知り尽くしています。 He knows everything about history. | – |
つ~つ | [Meaning] Indicates that two opposing actions alternate or progress back and forth [Rule] [V] Verb stem + つ + Verb stem + つ | 泣きつ笑いつして、祖父は自分の昔の話をしていました。 My grandfather was talking about his past, crying and laughing. 飲みつ食べつして、楽しい夜を過ごしました。 We spent a fun evening, drinking and eating. | – |
てからというもの(は) | [Meaning] Indicates a significant change that occurred after a specific event [Rule] [V] Verb て form + からというもの | 新しい仕事を始めてからというもの、毎日忙しくてなかなか休めません。 Since starting my new job, I’ve been so busy that I hardly get a break. 子どもが生まれてからというもの、主人は家事を積極的にするようになりました。 Ever since the child was born, my husband has become actively involved in housework. | – |
手前 | [Meaning] Expresses a sense of responsibility or obligation to act based on what has been said or done [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form / past form + 手前 [N] Noun + の + 手前 | 約束した手前、遅れてでも行かなければなりません。 Since I promised, I have to go even if I’m late. 上司の手前、遅刻はできません。 I can’t be late in front of my boss. | 以上 VS 手前 |
ても差し支えない | [Meaning] Means “there’s no problem if…” Used to give passive permission or ask a question modestly [Rule] [V] Verb て form + も差し支えない [A] い adjective て form + も差し支えない [Na] な adjective て form + も差し支えない [N] Noun て form + も差し支えない | この資料をコピーしても差し支えないですか。 Is it okay if I copy these documents? 暑くても差し支えないので、外で仕事をしたいです。 I want to work outside even if it’s hot. 少し不便でも差し支えないので、空気の良いところに住みたいな。 I want to live in a place with good air, even if it’s a bit inconvenient. 雨でも差し支えないように、テントの準備もしておこう。 Let’s prepare a tent in case it rains. | – |
てやまない | [Meaning] Used with verbs like “pray,” “wish,” or “love” to express heartfelt feelings towards someone or something [Rule] [V] Verb て form + やまない | 彼の成功を心から願ってやまない。 I sincerely wish for his success. みんなの幸せを祈ってやみません。 I never stop praying for everyone’s happiness. | – |
であれ | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “~に関係なく.” Indicates that something must be done regardless of any situation or condition [Rule] [N] Noun + であれ | 彼はどんな職業であれ、必ず成功するでしょう。 No matter what profession he chooses, he will surely succeed. どんな困難であれ、私は乗り越えるつもりです。 No matter the difficulty, I intend to overcome it. | – |
であれ~であれ | [Meaning] Gives two specific examples to indicate that the statement applies to everything else as well [Rule] [N] Noun + であれ + Noun + であれ | 社会人であれ学生であれ、自己管理が重要です。 Whether you are a working adult or a student, self-management is important. 今回のプロジェクトが成功であれ失敗であれ、私は全力を尽くしました。 Whether this project succeeds or fails, I gave it my all. | – |
でなくてなんだろう | [Meaning] Used with abstract words to express a strong conviction that “this is truly ~.” [Rule] [N] Noun + でなくてなんだろう | 彼の行動こそが、正義でなくてなんだろう。 His actions are the very definition of justice. この美しい景色は、まさに自然の力でなくてなんでしょう。 This beautiful scenery is truly the power of nature, isn’t it? | – |
ではあるまいし | [Meaning] Used when someone asks unrealistic things or has excessive expectations, to indicate that it goes beyond reasonable limits or to give advice [Rule] [N] Noun + ではあるまいし | 子どもじゃあるまいし、そんなことで怒るべきではないよ。 You shouldn’t get angry over something like this — you’re not a child. 彼はプロではあるまいし、完璧を求めるのは無理です。 He’s not a professional, so expecting perfection is unreasonable. A「市役所でちゃんと手続きできるかな。」 B「ここは外国ではあるまいし、できるでしょう。」 A: “Will we be able to handle the paperwork at city hall?” B: “This isn’t a foreign country, so you should be fine.” | – |
と相まって | [Meaning] Indicates that something produces a better effect or outcome when combined with another factor [Rule] [N] Noun + と相まって | この素晴らしい景色と相まって、とても美しい写真が撮れました。 The beautiful scenery enhanced the photo even more. 彼の才能と努力と相まって、成功を収めました。 His talent, combined with his effort, led to success. | – |
とあって | [Meaning] Indicates that due to a special situation or condition, a certain outcome occurs. The speaker observes the situation objectively [Rule] [N] Noun + とあって [N] Noun plain form + とあって | 彼は有名な作家とあって、その本はすぐに売り切れました。 Because he is a famous author, the book sold out quickly. 昨日は祝日だったとあって、どの店も混雑していました。 Because yesterday was a holiday, all the stores were crowded. | – |
とあれば | [Meaning] Shows that if a certain condition or situation exists, it is natural or necessary to take a certain action [Rule] [N] Noun + とあれば | かわいい孫の頼みとあれば、何でもしたくなります。 If it’s a request from my beloved grandchild, I’d do anything. 成功のためとあれば、どんな努力も惜しみません。 If it’s for success, I’ll spare no effort. | – |
といい~といい | [Meaning] When evaluating something, gives two specific examples to indicate that the overall result is excellent [Rule] [N] Noun + といい + Noun + といい | このレストランは料理といいサービスといい、どれも素晴らしい。 This restaurant is amazing, both in its food and service. 彼女は外見といい性格といい、完璧です。 She is perfect, both in appearance and personality. | – |
というところだ | [Meaning] Indicates an approximate time or quantity, suggesting that the estimate or prediction is “not more than ~” [Rule] [N] Noun + というところだ | 今日の売上は10万円というところだ。 Today’s sales are about 100,000 yen. 医者によると彼の命はもって、半年というところだそうです。 According to the doctor, he has about six months left to live. | – |
というもの | [Meaning] Emphasizes that a certain period of time felt long to the speaker, similar to “throughout” or “for the entire period” [Rule] [N] Time-related noun + というもの | ここ3ヶ月というもの、毎日練習を続けてきました。 I have been practicing every day for the past three months. 結婚して40年というもの夫は家庭を支えてくれました。 For 40 years since we got married, my husband has supported the family. | – |
といえども | [Meaning] Highlights a condition or person to emphasize an unexpected fact or outcome [Rule] [N] Noun + といえども [N] Noun plain form + といえども | 70歳といえども、彼女は非常に若々しく見えます。 Even at 70 years old, she looks very youthful. 厳しい状況だったといえども、チームは諦めずに頑張り続けました。 Even though the situation was tough, the team kept going without giving up. | – |
といえども~ない | [Meaning] Emphasizes that even the smallest unit is not allowed or acceptable [Rule] [N] 1 + counter + といえども~ない | 1回といえども、失敗することはできないよ。 You cannot afford to fail even once. 1分といえども、ここでの時間を無駄に過ごすわけにはいきません。 We cannot waste even a single minute here. | – |
といったらない | [Meaning] Expresses extreme positivity or negativity, emphasizing feelings or surprise that “cannot be described in words” [Rule] [A] い adjective + といったらない [N] Noun + といったらない | その美しさといったらない。まるで絵画のようだ。 Her beauty is indescribable; it’s like a painting. あの映画の感動的なシーンといったらない。涙が止まらなかった。 The emotional scene in that movie was overwhelming. I couldn’t stop crying. | – |
といわず~といわず | [Meaning] Presents two specific examples to indicate that the same applies to all similar situations [Rule] [N] Noun + といわず + Noun + といわず | 息子は昼といわず夜といわず、彼はずっとゲームをしています。 My son plays games all the time, day and night. 子供といわず大人といわず、この映画は誰にでも人気があります。 This movie is popular with everyone, children and adults alike. | – |
と思いきや | [Meaning] Indicates that an outcome was the opposite of what was expected [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + と思いきや [A] い adjective + と思いきや [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + だ + と思いきや | 彼は試験に合格したと思いきや、実際は不合格でした。 I thought he passed the exam, but he actually failed. この建物は古いと思いきや、内装はとても現代的です。 I thought this building was old, but the interior is very modern. この問題は簡単だと思いきや、実際は非常に難しかったです。 I thought this problem was easy, but it was actually very difficult. その本は話だと思いきや、読んでみると意外に面白かったです。 I thought that book would be boring, but it was surprisingly interesting. | – |
ときたら | [Meaning] Used to bring up a topic with criticism or dissatisfaction [Rule] [N] Noun + ときたら | 彼ときたら毎回遅刻してくるので、もう少し時間に正確であってほしい。 As for him, he’s late every time. I wish he were more punctual. この仕事ときたら、本当にやりがいがありません。 As for this job, it’s really not rewarding. | – |
ところを | [Meaning] Used to show consideration for the other person, often expressing an apology or gratitude [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + ところを [A] い adjective plain form + ところを [Na] な adjective + ところを [Na] な adjective plain form + ところを [N] Noun + の + ところを [N] Noun plain form + ところを | 寝ているところを起こしてごめんなさい。 I’m sorry to wake you while you were sleeping. お忙しいところをお邪魔して申し訳ありません。 I apologize for bothering you during a busy time. 仕事が大変なところをわざわざ来てくれてありがたいよ。 Thank you for coming despite your busy work schedule. お疲れのところを失礼します。お伝えしたいことがございます。 I’m sorry to disturb you when you’re tired. I have something to tell you. | – |
とは | [Meaning] Expresses surprise or a sense of disbelief when an unexpected fact or result occurs [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + とは [A] い adjective plain form + とは [Na] な adjective plain form + とは [N] Noun plain form + とは | まじめな彼が無責任なことを言うとは信じられません。 I can’t believe such a serious person would say something irresponsible. 日本語がこんなに難しいとは想像していませんでした。 I didn’t imagine Japanese would be this difficult. 今、お金持ちの彼が実は昔は貧乏だったとは驚きです。 It’s surprising that he was once poor, considering he’s rich now. ゆみさんの母親があの有名な女優とは知りませんでした。 I didn’t know Yumi’s mother was that famous actress. | – |
とはいえ | [Meaning] Admits a fact but introduces an unexpected or contradictory outcome [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + とはいえ [A] い adjective plain form + とはいえ [Na] な adjective plain form + とはいえ [N] Noun + とはいえ | インターネットで何でも分かるとはいえ、自分で調べなければいけないことも多いです。 Even though you can find everything online, there are still things you need to research yourself. 忙しかったとはいえ、メールぐらい送れたでしょう。 Even though you were busy, you could’ve at least sent an email. 便利とはいえ、AIの使い方を間違えると危険です。 Even though AI is convenient, misusing it can be dangerous. 子供とはいえ、彼の発言には考えさせられるものがありました。 Even though he’s a child, his words made me think deeply. | – |
とばかりに/言わんばかりに | [Meaning] Indicates that someone’s intent or feeling is conveyed through actions or attitude without words [Rule] [V] Verb plain form / polite form + とばかりに / 言わんばかりに [A] い adjective plain form / polite form + とばかりに / 言わんばかりに [Na] な adjective plain form / polite form + とばかりに / 言わんばかりに | 彼は早く行こうと言わんばかりに私を急かしました。 He hurried me as if to say, “Let’s go quickly.” 子供達は早く遊びたいとばかりに、公園に向かって走り出しました。 The children ran toward the park as if saying, “We want to play now!” 彼は満足だとばかりに大きくうなずきました。 He nodded deeply as if to say he was satisfied. | – |
ともあろう | [Meaning] Used when someone highly regarded does something that does not suit their status or position [Rule] [N] Noun + ともあろう | あの有名な作家ともあろう人が、そんな失敗をするなんて信じられないよ。 It’s hard to believe that such a famous author would make such a mistake. 大学の教授ともあろう者が、そんな簡単な質問に答えられないなんておかしいです。 It’s strange that a university professor can’t answer such a simple question. | – |
ともなく/ともなし | [Meaning] ①Indicates an action done without clear purpose or intention ②Indicates people or places that are not clearly defined [Rule] [V] Volitional verb dictionary form + ともなく / ともなし [N] Interrogative + ともなく / ともなし | ①彼は本を読むともなく、ただ眺めています。 He’s not really reading the book; he’s just staring at it. ①人気の歌を何度も聞いているうちに、覚えるともなく全部覚えてしまいました。 While listening to a popular song repeatedly, I memorized it without realizing it. ②東京という街はどこからともなく人がやって来ます。 People seem to come to Tokyo from nowhere. ②いつからともなくSNSは当たり前のものになりました。 At some point, social media became a normal part of life. | – |
ともなると | [Meaning] Indicates that when a specific situation or status is reached, appropriate conditions or behaviors naturally follow [Rule] [N] Noun + ともなると | 夏ともなると、暑さに耐えられなくなることが多いです。 When summer arrives, it often becomes unbearable due to the heat. 高い地位ともなると、責任が非常に重くなります。 When you reach a high position, the responsibilities become very heavy. | – |
ないまでも | [Meaning] Used to indicate that even if something does not reach a complete state, it is close to that level [Rule] [V] Verb negative form + までも | 毎日はしないまでも、週に数回は運動するべきです。 Even if you don’t do it every day, you should exercise a few times a week. 結婚はしないまでも、一緒に住むことは考えています。 I may not get married, but I’m considering living together. | – |
ないものでもない | [Meaning] Indicates that something is not entirely impossible, implying a reserved or hesitant affirmation [Rule] [V] Verb negative form + ものでもない | 完璧ではないまでも、十分にいい出来ですよ。 It may not be perfect, but it’s good enough. 海外旅行に行けないまでも、国内で楽しむ方法はたくさんあります。 Even if you can’t travel abroad, there are many ways to enjoy yourself domestically. | – |
ながら(も) | [Meaning] ①Indicates a state that continues without change. ②Describes doing something while maintaining a certain state. ③Indicates something inherent or already possessed from a certain point in time [Rule] [V] Verb stem + ながら [A] い adjective + ながら [Na] な adjective + ながら [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + ながら [N] Noun + であり + ながら | ①いつもながら彼の話し方はユーモアであふれています。 As always, his way of speaking is full of humor. この店は昔ながらの作り方で、そばを作り続けています。 This store continues to make soba in the traditional way. ②子供は涙ながらに事故のことを話しました。 The child talked about the accident while crying. ③バッハは生まれながらにして天才でした。 Bach was a genius from birth. | ながら VS つつ VS のに VS くせに |
なくして(は) | [Meaning] Indicates that something is difficult to achieve without a specific condition or factor [Rule] [N] Noun + なくして(は) | 努力なくして成功はあり得ないよ。 Success is not possible without effort. 健康なくして幸せは感じられません。 You can’t feel happiness without good health. | なくして VS なしに |
なくもない | [Meaning] Expresses reserved or hesitant affirmation, indicating that something is “not entirely untrue” [Rule] [V] Verb negative form [A] い adjective [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + で + なくもない | この問題は解決しなくもないが、時間がかかるだろう。 This problem is not unsolvable, but it will take time. この作品は悪くもないが、もう一度見たいとは思わないな。 This work is not bad, but I don’t want to see it again. 今住んでいるところは不便でなくもないが、もっと便利なところに住みたい。 My current home is not entirely inconvenient, but I’d prefer a more convenient place. この料理は嫌いでなくもないけど、もう食べたくないです。 I don’t exactly dislike this dish, but I don’t want to eat it again. | なくもない VS ないこともない |
なしに | [Meaning] Indicates that something is done without a specific thing or condition being present [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + なしに [N] Noun form of する verbs + なしに [N] Noun + なしに | 計画なしにそのプロジェクトを進めるのは危険ですよ。 Proceeding with that project without a plan is dangerous. 前もって準備なしに旅行に行くのは心配です。 Going on a trip without prior preparation makes me worried. | なくして VS なしに |
ならでは | [Meaning] Emphasizes a unique characteristic or quality of a person or thing [Rule] [N] Noun + ならでは | この料理の味は、地元ならではです。 This dish has a taste unique to the local area. この景色は、山頂ならではの美しさですね。 This view has a beauty unique to the mountain summit. | – |
なり | [Meaning] Indicates that immediately after one action or event, something unexpected happens [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + なり | 兄は電話を切るなり急いで外へ飛び出していきました。 As soon as my brother hung up the phone, he rushed outside. 彼女はその知らせを聞くなり、子供のように泣き出しました。 As soon as she heard the news, she started crying like a child. | なり VS とたん |
なりとも | [Meaning] Indicates the minimum condition or desire [Rule] [N] Noun + なりとも | 彼の気持ちは多少なりとも理解できます。 I can understand his feelings, even if just a little. 一目なりとも会いたいです。 I want to see you, even for a moment. | – |
なり~なり | [Meaning] Presents two options to the listener, expressing a desire for them to take action with either choice [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + なり + Verb dictionary form + なり [N] Noun + なり + Noun + なり | 運動するなり読書するなり、何か趣味を見つけたらいいのに。 Whether you exercise or read, you should find a hobby. 旅行なり買い物なり、休日には好きなことをしたらどうですか。 Whether you travel or shop, do what you enjoy on your day off. | – |
なりに | [Meaning] Indicates taking an appropriate method or approach that suits a situation or role [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + なりに [A] い adjective + なりに [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + なりに | できないなりに一生懸命努力をしています。 I’m doing my best, even if I can’t do it perfectly. 忙しいなりに、家族との時間を大切にしているつもりです。 Even though I’m busy, I try to value time with my family. 不便なりに、工夫して生活しています。 Even with inconvenience, I manage to live creatively. 彼なりに努力していることは確かですよ。 It’s true that he is making an effort in his own way. | – |
に(は)当たらない | [Meaning] Indicates something is not worth doing or is unnecessary; expresses that it doesn’t apply to a certain situation [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + に(は)当たらない [N] Noun of する verbs + に(は)当たらない | A「山田さん、遅いですね。大丈夫でしょうか。」 B「電車が遅れていると連絡があったので、心配には当たりませんよ。」 A: “Mr. Yamada is late. Should we be worried?” B: “He mentioned the train is delayed, so there’s no need to worry.” 彼は毎日努力をしていて、今回の試験の合格は驚くに当たらない結果でした。 He works hard every day, so passing this exam is not a surprising outcome. | – |
にあって | [Meaning] A formal expression meaning “at,” “in,” or “during” to describe events or situations in a specific time or place [Rule] [N] Noun + にあって | 困難にあっても、彼は冷静に対処しました。 Even in difficult times, he dealt with the situation calmly. 戦争にあって、人々の生活は非常に困難なものでした。 During the war, people’s lives were extremely difficult. | – |
に至って | [Meaning] Indicates that something finally happens when a critical situation or point is reached [Rule] [N] Noun + に至って | 問題が何度も繰り返され、ついに経済危機に至って、政府は緊急対応を始めました。 After repeated issues, the government finally took emergency action when the economic crisis hit. 彼の態度は改善されず、最終的には解雇に至って、ようやく彼は自分の過ちに気づきました。 His behavior didn’t improve, and only after being dismissed did he realize his mistake. | – |
に至っては | [Meaning] Highlights an extreme case when giving a negative evaluation, emphasizing how one person or thing stands out [Rule] [N] Noun + に至っては | 彼の態度はいつもひどいが、今回に至っては本当に無礼でした。 His attitude is always bad, but this time, it was truly rude. このチームの問題は大きかったが、リーダーに至っては全く責任を取らなかった。 The team had many issues, but the leader took absolutely no responsibility. | – |
に至る | [Meaning] Used to indicate the outcome or conclusion after various events or efforts [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + に至る [N] Noun + に至る | 何度も努力を重ねた結果、成功に至りました。 After repeated efforts, we finally achieved success. あの会社は数々の問題があり、ついに倒産に至ったようです。 That company faced many problems and ultimately went bankrupt. | – |
に至るまで | [Meaning] Emphasizes the extent or range to which something spreads or reaches [Rule] [N] Noun + に至るまで | その事件は、全国に至るまで影響を及ぼしました。 The incident affected the entire country. その問題は国内にとどまらず、外国にも影響を与え、ついには国際問題に至るまで広がりました。 The issue extended beyond the country, eventually becoming an international problem. | – |
に言わせれば | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “from ~’s point of view.” Used to emphasize the speaker’s opinion [Rule] [N] Noun representing a person + に言わせれば | 彼に言わせれば、この方法が最も効果的だそうです。 From his point of view, this method seems to be the most effective. 専門家に言わせれば、この研究結果には疑問が残るとのことです。 According to experts, there are still doubts about these research results. | – |
にかかっては/かかったら/かかると/かかれば | [Meaning] Indicates that when someone with a specific skill or characteristic handles something, they produce a different or significant result [Rule] [N] Noun + にかかっては / にかかったら / にかかると / にかかれば | 簡単な文章でも、話し上手な人の手にかかっては、興味深い講演に変わってしまう。 Even a simple text can become an interesting lecture in the hands of a good speaker. こんな問題は、彼女にかかるとすぐに解決するでしょう。 If she handles this problem, it will likely be resolved quickly. | – |
に関わる | [Meaning] Expresses that something has a serious impact. Used when discussing socially or logically significant issues [Rule] [N] Noun + に関わる | この問題は私たち全員に関わる重要なことです。 This issue is important and affects all of us. この法律は、教育に関わる重要な変更を含んでいます。 This law includes significant changes related to education. | – |
に限ったことではない | [Meaning] Means the same as “not limited to ~.” Used to emphasize that a fact applies to a broader range beyond a specific condition [Rule] [N] Noun + に限ったことではない | 彼が怒っているのは、これに限ったことではないですよ。 He is not angry about just this particular matter. 少子化は日本に限ったことではなく、様々な国でも起きています。 The declining birth rate is not limited to Japan; it’s happening in many other countries. | – |
にかこつけて | [Meaning] Indicates using a situation as an excuse to do something with a different or hidden intention [Rule] [N] Noun + にかこつけて | 夫はいつも仕事にかこつけて帰りが遅いです。 My husband always uses work as an excuse to come home late. 父親の病気にかこつけて 1週間仕事を休みました。 I took a week off from work using my father’s illness as an excuse. | – |
にかたくない | [Meaning] Used when a person’s feelings or reactions can be easily inferred from the situation [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + にかたくない [N] Noun + にかたくない | 消費税の増税が国民の大きな負担になることは理解にかたくない。 It’s easy to understand that the tax increase is a heavy burden on citizens. 親を亡くした彼の気持ちは想像にかたくないです。 It’s not hard to imagine how he feels after losing his parents. | – |
にかまけて | [Meaning] Indicates that someone is so focused on a particular thing that they neglect other important matters, used in a negative context [Rule] [N] Noun + にかまけて | 試験の勉強にかまけて、彼に連絡するのを忘れていました。 I was so absorbed in studying for the exam that I forgot to contact him. 仕事にかまけて、健康管理を怠ってしまっていました。 I neglected my health while being so focused on work. | – |
にして | [Meaning] Indicates that a particular experience or knowledge is gained only after reaching a certain age or state [Rule] [N] Noun + にして | 彼は50歳にして、ようやく人生の意味を理解し始めました。 At 50 years old, he finally began to understand the meaning of life. これは、キャリア10年にして初めて得た知識です。 This is knowledge I gained for the first time after 10 years of my career. | – |
に忍びない | [Meaning] Expresses feelings such as “I can’t bear it,” “I can’t stand it,” or “It’s too painful to do,” indicating that an action is emotionally unbearable or difficult [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + に忍びない | あの子の悲しそうな顔を見るに忍びない。 I can’t bear to see that child’s sad face. その国の悲惨な歴史は、聞くに忍びないです。 The tragic history of that country is too painful to listen to. | – |
に即して | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “in accordance with.” Used to indicate that something is based on a fact, rule, or standard [Rule] [N] Noun + に即して | 校則に即して、制服を着なければなりません。 You must wear the uniform in accordance with the school rules. 社員は規則に即して、毎日定時に出社すること。 Employees must arrive at work on time according to the company regulations. | – |
に耐える | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “worth doing.” Expresses that something has enough value to be done [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + に耐える [N] Noun form of する verbs + に耐える | 彼女の歌が聞くに耐えるかどうかは別問題です。 Whether her singing is worth listening to is another matter. このアニメは大人でも十分鑑賞に耐えるものです。 This anime is worth watching even for adults. | – |
に足る | [Meaning] Indicates that someone or something is worthy or sufficient for a certain action or description, meeting the necessary conditions or standards [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + に足る [N] Noun form of する verbs + に足る | この本は読むに足る内容です。 This book contains content worth reading. 彼は信頼するに足る人物です。 He is a person worthy of trust. | – |
にとどまらず | [Meaning] Indicates that something extends beyond a limited scope and reaches a broader area [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + にとどまらず [Na] な adjective plain form + にとどまらず [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + にとどまらず [N] Noun + である + にとどまらず | 彼の行動は信頼を奪うにとどまらず、周囲の人々との関係も壊してしまった。 His actions not only undermined trust but also damaged relationships with others. 彼の態度は不誠実であるにとどまらず、他の社員にも悪影響を与えています。 His attitude not only shows insincerity but also negatively affects other employees. その映画は感動的であるにもとどまらず、深い社会的メッセージも込められています。 The film is not only moving but also conveys a deep social message. | – |
に則って | [Meaning] Has the same meaning as “in accordance with” or “based on.” Indicates acting according to a certain rule, policy, or standard [Rule] [N] Noun + に則って | 規則に則って、全員が時間通りに出席しなければなりません。 Everyone must attend on time in accordance with the rules. 契約書に則って、支払いは翌月に行われる予定です。 According to the contract, payment is scheduled for the following month. | – |
には及ばない | [Meaning] Emphasizes that there is no need to worry or take excessive action, meaning “there’s no need to ~” or “it’s not worth ~” [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + には及ばない [N] Noun form of する verbs + には及ばない | 心配には及ばないよ。すべて順調に進んでいるから。 There’s no need to worry; everything is going smoothly. 私が手伝うには及ばないほど、彼は自分でうまくやっています。 He’s doing so well that there’s no need for me to help. | – |
には無理がある | [Meaning] Indicates that something is practically impossible to achieve [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + には無理がある [N] Noun + には無理がある | 彼の話には無理があるよ。 There’s something unbelievable about his story. そんな短期間で完成させるのは、どう考えても無理があります。 It’s clearly impossible to finish it in such a short period of time. | – |
にひきかえ | [Meaning] Used to compare two things that are completely opposite or significantly different [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + の + にひきかえ [A] い adjective plain form + の + にひきかえ [Na] な adjective + の + にひきかえ [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + な + の + にひきかえ [N] Noun + である + の + にひきかえ | 昔の人は自分で何でも生み出したのにひきかえ、今の人達は便利な道具に頼りすぎています。 In contrast to people in the past who created things themselves, people today rely too much on convenient tools. その映画のポスターは視覚的に非常に美しいのにひきかえ、ストーリーは単調で退屈でした。 The movie poster was visually stunning, but the story was dull and boring. 彼の言うことは理論的で正確なのにひきかえ、私の意見は感情的なものです。 His statements are logical and accurate, whereas my opinion is emotional. 前回の試験結果にひきかえ、今回はかなり良い結果でした。 Compared to the last exam, this time the results were much better. | に比べて VS にひきかえ |
にもほどがある | [Meaning] Emphasizes that an action or state has gone to an excessive or unacceptable extent [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form / negative form + にもほどがある [A] い adjective plain form + にもほどがある [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + にもほどがある | 遅刻するにもほどがある。 もう1時間も過ぎているぞ。 Being late to this extent is too much! You’re over an hour late. こんな深夜にうるさいにもほどがある!もっと静かにしてくれなきゃ眠れないよ。 It’s ridiculously noisy this late at night! Be quiet so I can sleep. わがままにもほどがある。もう少し周りの人のことを考えなさい。 Your selfishness is out of control. Think about other people for a change. 冗談にもほどがあるよ。そんなこと言われたら本気で怒るよ。 There’s a limit to jokes. If you say that, I’ll seriously get angry. | – |
にもまして | [Meaning] Emphasizes that something is more significant compared to something else, meaning “more than ~” or “even more than ~” [Rule] [N] Noun + にもまして | 以前にもまして外国人観光客が増えています。 The number of foreign tourists has increased more than ever. いつにもまして、彼女は今日とても楽しそうだ。 She looks happier today than ever before. | – |
に~を重ねて | [Meaning] Expresses that a goal or conclusion was reached after repeated effort or attempts [Rule] [N] Noun + に + Noun + を重ねて | 研究に研究を重ねて、新しい薬が開発されました。 After repeated research, a new medicine was developed. 失敗に失敗を重ねて、彼は成功への道を見つけました。 After many failures, he found the path to success. | – |
ねばならない | [Meaning] An old expression meaning “must do” [Rule] [V] Verb negative form *ある → あらねばならない *する → せねばならない | 学校に遅れないように、早く家を出なければならない。 I must leave home early so I’m not late for school. どんなに困難でも、自分の目標を達成せねばなりません。 No matter how difficult, you must achieve your goal. | – |
の至り | [Meaning] An old expression meaning “the highest honor” or “utmost ~.” Used to convey deep feelings about a result or outcome [Rule] [N] Noun + の至り | このような賞をいただけるとは光栄の至りです。 Receiving such an award is the highest honor. ご配慮いただき、恐縮の至りでございます。 Thank you for your consideration; I feel deeply humbled. | – |
の極み | [Meaning] An old expression meaning “the utmost ~.” Indicates the extreme or highest state of something [Rule] [N] Noun + の極み | こんなに素晴らしい演奏を聴けるなんて、感動の極みです。 Hearing such a wonderful performance was the peak of emotion. 毎日残業ばかりで疲労の極みに達しています。 I’m utterly exhausted from constant overtime. | – |
のやら | [Meaning] A modest expression similar to “I wonder if~.” Used when the speaker has doubts but does not expect an answer [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + のやら [A] い adjective plain form + のやら [Na] な adjective + のやら [N] Noun + な + のやら | うちの息子は何を考えているのやら分かりません。 I have no idea what my son is thinking. この問題はどう解決すればいいのやら、答えが見つからない。 I can’t figure out how to solve this problem. この部屋には時計がたくさんあるが、どれが正確なのやら…。 There are so many clocks in this room, but which one is correct? 何が本当なのやら。 I wonder what’s true. | – |
はいざしらず | [Meaning] Indicates that something can happen under specific conditions or situations, but it is not valid otherwise [Rule] [V] Verb plain form (+ の) + なら + いざしらず [A] い adjective plain form (+ の) + なら + いざしらず [Na] な adjective plain form (+ の) + なら + いざしらず [N] Noun + は + いざしらず [N] Noun + なら + いざしらず | 多忙な社長ならいざしらず、社員が遅刻するのは問題です。 If it’s the busy president, that’s understandable, but employees being late is a problem. 忙しいのならいざしらず、ひまなのに残業するなんて理解できないよ。 If you’re busy, it makes sense, but working overtime when you’re free is baffling. 子供ならいざしらず、大人がそんなことをするなんて信じられません。 It’s understandable for children, but I can’t believe adults would do such a thing. 昔はいざしらず、今ではそれは通用しない考えです。 That thinking may have been valid in the past, but not anymore. | – |
はおろか | [Meaning] Indicates something obvious, and emphasizes that something even more extreme is also true. Often used to express surprise or frustration [Rule] [N] Noun (+ particle) + はおろか | あの人は日本に10年以上住んでいるのに、漢字はおろかひらがなも読めません。 He’s been living in Japan for over 10 years, yet he can’t even read hiragana, let alone kanji. 買い物はおろか、外出する余裕もないくらい忙しい。 I’m so busy that I don’t have time to go out, let alone go shopping. | – |
ばこそ | [Meaning] Indicates that a specific reason or cause leads to a result or proactive action [Rule] [V] Verb conditional form [ば] + こそ [A] い adjective conditional form [ば] + こそ [Na] な adjective conditional form [ば] + こそ [N] Noun conditional form [ば] + こそ | 努力すればこそ、成功があるのです。 Success comes only through effort. 心が強ければこそ、困難を乗り越えられるのです。 You can overcome hardships only if your heart is strong. 真剣であればこそ、良い結果が出るのです。 Good results come from being serious. 皆さんの協力があればこそ、大きなプロジェクトが成功するのです。 The success of this big project is due to everyone’s cooperation. | – |
ばそれでまだ | [Meaning] Expresses that if a certain condition occurs, everything will be over or meaningless [Rule] [V] Verb conditional form [ば] + それまでだ | もし約束を破ればそれまでだ。その信頼関係は二度と戻らないだろう。 If you break a promise, that’s the end. The trust will never return. 不正行為をすればそれまでです。全てを失うことになります。 If you cheat, that’s it. You’ll lose everything. | – |
びる | [Meaning] Indicates that someone or something appears to be a certain way or has certain characteristics [Rule] [A] い adjective [N] Noun + びる | 古びた本の中から、昔の恋人との写真が出てきました。 An old photo with a former lover emerged from a worn-out book. この子はまだ小学生ですが、大人びた話し方をします。 This child is still in elementary school, but speaks in a mature way. | – |
べからざる | [Meaning] An old expression meaning “must not do” or “should not do” [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + べからざる | 彼の行動は許すべからざるものです。 His actions are unforgivable. 信用を失うようなことは、リーダーとしてするべからざる行為です。 As a leader, you must not do anything that could damage your credibility. | – |
べからず | [Meaning] A formal expression used to strongly indicate prohibition or a command. Means “do not ~” or “must not ~.” Used in official notices or formal situations [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + べからず *する → するべからず, すべからず | ここに立ち入るべからず。 Do not enter here. 「公共の場で騒ぐべからず。」と注意書きがあります。 A notice says, “Do not make noise in public places.” | – |
べく | [Meaning] Indicates doing something with a specific purpose in mind. A somewhat formal expression [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + べく *する → するべく, すべく | 夢を叶えるべく、彼女は新しい挑戦を始めました。 She started a new challenge to achieve her dream. 成功するべく、彼は毎日努力しています。 He works hard every day to succeed. | – |
ほどのことではない | [Meaning] Indicates that something is not serious enough to warrant a particular action [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + ほどのことではない | 少しの雨だから、傘を持って行くほどのことではないね。 It’s only a little rain, so it’s not worth taking an umbrella. 失敗しても、それほどのことではありません。次があります。 Even if you fail, it’s not a big deal. There’s always another chance. | – |
まじき | [Meaning] Used to criticize someone who acts in a way that is inappropriate for their position or role [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + まじき *する → するまじき, すまじき | 彼は教師としてあるまじき行為をして、仕事を辞めさせられました。 He committed an act unworthy of a teacher and was fired. 彼の行動は信頼を裏切るものであり、友人として許すまじきことです。 His actions betrayed trust and are unforgivable for a friend. | – |
までだ/までのことだ① | [Meaning] Indicates that an action was done lightly, without any special intention or purpose [Rule] [V] Verb past form + までだ/までのことだ | A「何か用事があったんですか?」 B「いえ、ちょっと会いに来たまでです。」 A: Did you need something? B: No, I just came to see you. A「あんな提案、無理に決まってるじゃない。」 B「言ってみたまでだよ。」 A: That proposal is obviously impossible. B: I just suggested it lightly. | – |
までだ/までのことだ② | [Meaning] Expresses determination or resolve when no other options are available, meaning “there’s nothing left to do but ~” [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + までだ/までのことだ | 手伝ってもらえないなら、自分でやるまでです。 If no one helps me, I’ll just do it myself. お金が足りないなら、計画を延期するまでのことです。 If there isn’t enough money, we’ll simply postpone the plan. | – |
までもない | [Meaning] Indicates that there’s no need or value in doing something [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + までもない | そんな簡単なこと、説明するまでもないでしょう。 That’s so simple, there’s no need to explain it. 彼が信頼できることは、わざわざ言うまでもないよ。 There’s no need to point out that he is trustworthy. | ないでもない VS までもない |
まみれ | [Meaning] Describes being covered in or smeared with something unpleasant or dirty [Rule] [N] Noun + まみれ | 汗まみれで練習を終えた選手たちは、輝いて見えました。 The players, drenched in sweat, looked radiant after practice. 彼の部屋はゴミまみれで、寝る場所もありません。 His room is covered in garbage, with no place to sleep. | だらけ VS まみれ ずくめ VS まみれ |
めく | [Meaning] Indicates that something isn’t fully in a certain state but gives a similar impression [Rule] [N] Noun + めく | 春めいた天気が続いています。 The weather has been spring-like lately. 紅葉が美しく色づき、秋めいてきました。 The leaves are turning beautifully, and it’s starting to feel like autumn. | – |
もさることながら | [Meaning] While acknowledging the first point, emphasizes the second point even more positively [Rule] [N] Noun + さることながら | 味もさることながら、日本料理の見た目の美しさに感動しました。 The taste is amazing, but I was even more impressed by the visual beauty of Japanese cuisine. 彼の実力もさることながら、その謙虚な態度が多くの人に好かれています。 His talent is impressive, but his humility is what makes people like him. | – |
もそこそこに | [Meaning] Describes hurriedly doing something or doing it without thoroughness [Rule] [N] Noun + もそこそこに | 昼ご飯もそこそこに、仕事に戻らなければなりませんでした。 I had to return to work after barely finishing lunch. 田中さんは挨拶もそこそこに部屋を出て行きました。 Tanaka left the room after a brief greeting. | – |
も同然だ | [Meaning] Indicates that something is practically the same as or very close to a certain state [Rule] [V] Verb past form/negative form + も同然だ [N] Noun (+ も) + 同然だ | こんな古い車は、壊れたも同然です。 This old car is practically broken. これだけの成果を出しておいて、評価されないのは不公平も同然です。 Achieving these results and not being recognized is practically unfair. | – |
ものを | [Meaning] Expresses a feeling of surprise or regret when something unexpected happens [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + ものを [A] い adjective plain form + ものを | もっと早く相談してくれればよかったものを…。 If you had consulted me sooner, it would’ve been better… 困っていたなら言ってくれたら良かったものを、彼女は連絡をしてきませんでした。 If she was having trouble, she should’ve said something, but she didn’t contact me. | – |
や否や | [Meaning] Means “as soon as ~”; emphasizes that one action happens immediately after another [Rule] [V] Verb dictionary form + や否や | 彼は家に帰るや否や、ソファに座って寝てしまいました。 As soon as he got home, he sat on the sofa and fell asleep. プラットフォームに電車が到着するや否や、多くの人が走り出しました。 As soon as the train arrived at the platform, many people started running. | – |
ゆえ(に) | [Meaning] Means “because of” or “due to”; expresses a reason or cause and its natural consequence [Rule] [V] Verb plain form (+ こと) + ゆえ(に) [A] い adjective plain form + ゆえ(に) [Na] な adjective + ゆえ(に) [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + ゆえ(に) [N] Noun + である + ゆえ(に) | 努力を重ねたゆえに、今の成功があるのです。 Because of persistent effort, there is success now. 忙しいゆえ、すぐには行けませんが近いうちに伺います。 Because I am busy, I can’t go immediately, but I will visit soon. 彼は誠実であるゆえに、みんなから信頼されている。 Because he is sincere, everyone trusts him. 若さゆえの過ちだったとはいえ、反省が必要です。 Although it was a mistake due to youth, reflection is necessary. | – |
よう/ようによっては | [Meaning] ①Describes an extreme state or condition ②Indicates a manner or method [Rule] [V] Verb stem + よう/ようによっては | ①大切なペットが死んだときの彼の悲しみようを見て、私も涙が止まりませんでした。 Seeing his grief when his beloved pet died, I couldn’t stop my tears. ①勝利の瞬間の選手たちの喜びようは、観客席まで伝わってきました。 The players’ joy at the moment of victory was felt even in the stands. ②話しようによっては、相手を不快にさせることもあります。 Depending on how you say it, you could offend someone. ②考えよう次第で、この失敗もいい経験になるかもしれないね。 Depending on how you think about it, this failure could be a good experience. | – |
ようが/ようと(も) | [Meaning] Used to express that no matter what condition or situation occurs, it won’t matter or affect the outcome [Rule] [V] Verb volitional form + が/と [A] い adjective [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + だろう + が/と | どんなに彼に頼まれようが、私はやらないつもりです。 No matter how much he asks, I don’t intend to do it. 天気が悪かろうが、試合は予定通り行われます。 Even if the weather is bad, the match will proceed as scheduled. どんなに生意気だろうと、自分の子供はかわいいものです。 No matter how cheeky they are, your children are always precious to you. どんな結果だろうがと、全力でやるつもりです。 Whatever the outcome, I intend to give it my all. | – |
ようと~まいと | [Meaning] Expresses “whether or not ~”; used when the outcome is the same regardless of the situation [Rule] [V] Verb volitional form + と + Verb dictionary form + まいと [V] (Group 2 & 3) Verb volitional form + と + Verb dictionary form + まいと [V] Verb volitional form + と + Verb stem + まいと | 雨が降ろうと降るまいと、明日のイベントは予定通り行います。 Whether it rains or not, tomorrow’s event will go ahead as planned. 彼が参加しようとしまいと、この計画は実行するつもりです。 Whether he participates or not, we will execute this plan. | – |
ようにも~ない | [Meaning] Indicates that due to an obstacle, an action cannot be performed [Rule] [V] Verb volitional form + にも + Verb negative form | 鍵をなくしてしまい、家に入ろうにも入れません。 I lost my key, so I cannot enter the house even if I want to. 足をけがしてしまって、走ろうにも走れないんです。 I injured my leg, so I cannot run even if I try to. | – |
由 | [Meaning] An old-fashioned expression for reporting hearsay, similar to “~とのこと.” Commonly used in letters. [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + 由 [A] い adjective + 由 [Na] な adjective + 由 [Na] な adjective [N] Noun + の + 由 [N] Noun + である + 由 | 彼女が結婚する由、大変うれしく思います。 I am very happy to hear that she is getting married. この舞台はおもしろい由、ぜひ観てみようと思っている。 I heard this play is interesting, so I plan to see it. 仕事が忙しくて大変な由ですが、お身体に気をつけてください。 It seems you are busy with work, so please take care of yourself. その件は重要な問題の由、早急に対応する必要があります。 I heard it’s an important matter, so urgent action is necessary. | – |
より | [Meaning] A formal expression meaning “from.” Indicates the starting point of time or location [Rule] [N] Noun + より | 日本バンクの鈴木様よりお電話です。 There’s a call from Mr. Suzuki at Japan Bank. 受付は午前10時より開始します。 Reception will start at 10 AM. | – |
わ~わで | [Meaning] Expresses that good or bad things happen simultaneously [Rule] [V] Verb plain form + わ + Verb plain form + わで [A] い adjective plain form + わ + い adjective + わで [Na] な adjective plain form + わ + な adjective plain form + わで | 電話が鳴るわ、来客があるわで、全然仕事が進みませんでした。 The phone kept ringing, visitors kept coming, and I couldn’t get any work done. 忙しいわ、眠いわで、今日は何もやる気が起きない。 I was busy, I was sleepy, and I had no motivation to do anything today. 彼は真面目だわ、几帳面だわで、一緒に仕事をすると安心します。 He’s diligent and meticulous, so working with him is reassuring. | – |
をおいて | [Meaning] Used to express that no one or nothing else can fulfill a certain role, indicating high regard for the subject [Rule] [N] Noun + をおいて | 彼をおいて、この仕事を任せられる人はいません。 There’s no one other than him who can handle this job. 夏祭りをおいて、この町がこんなににぎやかになることはないよ。 Other than the summer festival, this town is never this lively. | – |
を押して/押し切って | [Meaning] Indicates pushing through difficulties or opposition to achieve a goal [Rule] [N] Noun + を押して/を押し切って | 体調の悪さを押して、娘は海外旅行へ行ってしまった。 Despite her poor health, my daughter went on an overseas trip. 彼女は反対を押しきって、自分の信念を貫きました。 She pushed through opposition to uphold her beliefs. | – |
を顧みず | [Meaning] Indicates acting despite danger or a difficult situation [Rule] [N] Noun + を顧みず | 消防士は危険を顧みず、火の中に飛び込みました。 The firefighter jumped into the flames, disregarding the danger. 家族の反対を顧みず、彼は旅に出ました。 He set off on a journey despite his family’s objections. | – |
を限りに | [Meaning] Emphasizes that something which has continued will come to an end [Rule] [N] Noun + を限りに | この試合を限りに、木村選手は引退するそうです。 Kimura will retire after this match. 今月を限りに、A社との契約は終了となります。 The contract with Company A will end this month. | – |
を兼ねて | [Meaning] Indicates accomplishing a secondary goal while pursuing a primary one [Rule] [N] Noun + を兼ねて | 旅行を兼ねて、出張に行くことにしました。 I decided to combine a business trip with a vacation. 健康維持を兼ねて、毎朝ジョギングをしているんです。 I jog every morning to maintain my health. | – |
を皮切りに | [Meaning] Indicates that something starts from a particular point and continues or develops further [Rule] [N] Noun + を皮切りに | 東京を皮切りに、全国でツアーが始まります。 The tour will start in Tokyo and proceed nationwide. 彼の発言を皮切りに、会議が白熱しました。 The meeting heated up following his statement. | を皮切りに VS を始め |
を禁じ得ない | [Meaning] Expresses an uncontrollable emotion caused by witnessing a certain situation [Rule] [N] Noun + を禁じ得ない | 彼の悲しい話に、涙を禁じ得ませんでした。 I couldn’t hold back my tears at his sad story. 成功を祝う彼の言葉に、感動を禁じ得ない。 I couldn’t help but be moved by his words celebrating success. | – |
を境に | [Meaning] Indicates a significant change in circumstances starting from a specific event or point in time [Rule] [N] Noun + を境に | 結婚を境に、彼の生活は大きく変わりました。 His life changed drastically after his marriage. 夫は退職を境に、趣味に時間を使うようになりました。 After his retirement, he started spending time on his hobbies. | – |
を踏まえて | [Meaning] Used when encouraging consideration or action based on a premise or understanding [Rule] [N] Noun + を踏まえて | 前回の反省をふまえて、計画を改めました。 We revised the plan based on the previous feedback. データをふまえて、新しい計画を立てる必要があります。 We need to create a new plan based on the data. | – |
を経て | [Meaning] ①Indicates the process or experiences that led to a result. ②Refers to passing through time, place, or means [Rule] [N] Noun + を経て | ①交渉を経て、ようやくA社との契約が成立しました。 After long negotiations, the contract with Company A was finalized. ①長く辛い時間を経て、チームはついに優勝を果たしました。 After enduring a long and difficult time, the team finally achieved victory. ②彼は東京を経て、福岡に向かう予定です。 He plans to go to Fukuoka via Tokyo. ②数週間にわたる準備を経て、ついに発表が行われました。 After weeks of preparation, the announcement was finally made. | – |
をもって | [Meaning] Indicates using a specific method or means. Marks the conclusion of a continued action or state [Rule] [N] Noun + をもって | ①努力をもって、困難を乗り越えた。 Through hard work, I overcame the difficulties. ①試験の結果は発送をもってお伝えします。 The exam results will be communicated via mail. ②本日をもって、退職することになりました。 As of today, I will be resigning. ②今月をもって、このサービスを終了します。 This service will end as of this month. | – |
をものともせず(に) | [Meaning] Describes courageously facing significant difficulties [Rule] [N] Noun + をものともせず(に) | 強い雨と風をものともせず、彼は登山を続けました。 He continued climbing despite the heavy rain and wind. 反対の意見をものともせず、計画を実行しました。 He carried out the plan despite the opposing opinions. | をものともせず VS もかまわず |
を余儀なくさせる | [Meaning] Indicates that someone or something forces an action upon another party [Rule] [N] Noun + を余儀なくさせる | 災害が彼らに避難を余儀なくさせました。 The disaster forced them to evacuate. 経済不況が、リストラを余儀なくさせました。 The economic downturn forced the company to lay off employees. | – |
を余儀なくされる | [Meaning] Indicates being compelled to do something due to an external force or unavoidable situation [Rule] [N] Noun + を余儀なくされる | 災害の影響で、避難を余儀なくされました。 Due to the disaster, evacuation became inevitable. 予算不足で、計画の変更を余儀なくされた。 The lack of budget forced a change in the plan. | – |
をよそに | [Meaning] Describes taking actions contrary to the expectations or concerns of others [Rule] [N] Noun + をよそに | 親の心配をよそに、彼はまだ就職する気がないようです。 Despite his parents’ concerns, he doesn’t seem interested in finding a job. 周囲の批判をよそに、彼女は夢を追い続けています。 She continues to pursue her dream despite the criticism from others. | – |
んがため(に) | [Meaning] To express a strong intention to achieve a significant goal or purpose, acting with determination [Rule] [V] Verb ない Form *する → せんがために | 夢を叶えんがために、彼はすべてを犠牲にしました。 In order to achieve his dream, he sacrificed everything. 成功せんがために、彼は必死に努力しています。 To achieve success, he is making a desperate effort. | – |
んばかりに | [Meaning] To describe a situation that is not actually occurring but is almost in that state [Rule] [V] Verb ない Form *する → せんばかりに | 泣かんばかりに訴えたが、彼には伝わらなかった。 She pleaded as if she were about to cry, but he didn’t understand. 彼はその問題を解決せんばかりに、一生懸命に取り組んだ。 He tackled the problem as if he were about to solve it. | – |