JLPT N5 Vocabulary – Difference between “そして” and “それから”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “そして” and “それから”
2. When either can be used
3. そして
4. それから
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Do the conjunctions “そして” and “それから” have the same meaning?
A: “そして” and “それから” are used to list consecutive events or multiple items, but “そして” gently shows a connection, making it suitable for contrasting or related content. On the other hand, “それから” emphasizes the starting point or condition of events, highlighting necessary sequence and continuity. Let’s look at the details.
When Either Can Be Used
When describing the following two points, either can be used without a significant difference in meaning, though “そして” connects sentences more gently.
①Connecting events that occurred in succession.
I went to the convenience store. Then I went home.
I went to the convenience store. After that, I went home.
I drank coffee. Then I read a book.
I drank coffee. After that, I read a book.
②When listing multiple items or aspects
Japan is beautiful. And it has low prices.
Japan is beautiful. Also, it has low prices.
Maria is tall. And she is beautiful.
Maria is tall. Additionally, she is beautiful.
そして (JLPT N5)
①When two things are contrasted under the same situation or context
I eat bread in the morning, and rice at night.
⇒ “そして” is used here to contrast what is eaten in the morning versus the evening.
In spring, it’s cherry blossoms, and in summer, it’s fireworks. Japan’s four seasons are fascinating.
⇒ “そして” is used to contrast spring and summer within Japan’s seasons.
This month, we’ll have a farewell party, and next month we’re planning to hold a welcome party.
⇒ “そして” is used here to relate this month’s event to next month’s event.
Today is a meeting, and tomorrow there will be a project presentation.
⇒ “そして” is used here because two work-related topics are being discussed in succession.
それから (JLPT N5)
①When one event serves as the starting point for another
When I was a child, a big dog barked at me. Since then, I’ve been afraid of dogs.
⇒ “それから” is used here because the event “when I was a child” serves as the starting point.
In this case, “それから” has the same meaning as “since then.”
②When the first action is necessary for the second action to occur
I don’t have any money in my wallet, so I’ll go to the bank, and then I’ll go shopping.
⇒ “それから” is used here because going to the bank is necessary before shopping can happen.
③ When adding related information in succession
Please buy bread and milk at the supermarket. And yogurt, too.
⇒ “それから” is used to add additional information.
④ When listing multiple items in chronological order, especially before the final item
In this course, we first serve an appetizer, followed by the main dish, and then dessert.
⇒ Since dessert is served at the very end of the course, “それから” is used.
- When listing events that occurred in succession or several items together, either “そして” or “それから” can be used, although “そして” provides a gentler connection.
- Used to contrast two items under the same situation or context.
- Used to express something related to the previous content.
- Used when one event is triggered by a previous event.
- Used when the first action is necessary for the second to occur.
- Used when adding related information in succession.
- Used when listing multiple items in chronological order, especially before the final item.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. そして
I went shopping in the afternoon, and then had dinner in the evening.
*”そして” is correct because it contrasts what was done in the afternoon and evening.
A. それから
I watched Japanese anime as a child. After that, I became interested in Japan.
*”それから” is correct because it implies “since then” after watching anime as a child.
A. どちらでも良い
Yesterday, I got home at 8:00. Then I relaxed.
Yesterday, I got home at 8:00. After that, I relaxed.
*Both “そして” and “それから” are correct because they link consecutive events.
A. それから
First, press this button, then press the next one. After that, press the ‘OK’ button.
*”それから” is correct here, as it follows the last step in a sequence.
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