Honorifics – Difference between “〜いただけませんか” and “〜くださいませんか”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “〜いただけませんか” and “〜くださいませんか”
2. What is Keigo (Honorific Language)?
3. いただけませんか
4. くださいませんか
5. Let’s Compare
6. Summary
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Could you explain the difference between “〜いただけませんか” and “〜くださいませんか”?
A: Both are polite expressions suitable for business contexts.
What is Keigo (Honorific Language)?
In Japanese, honorific language (keigo) is always used when speaking with someone of higher status.
Both “いただけませんか” and “くださいませんか” are examples of keigo. “いただく” is the humble form of “もらう” (to receive), and “くださいませんか” is the respectful form of “くれる” (to give).
The verb “もらう” is used when receiving something from someone, or when one receives something needed, either by request or as a gift. This is expressed in requests with the humble form “いただく.”
Excuse me, but could you please show me this document?
Professor, could you lend me this book for a while?
I’d like to go to the bank; could you please tell me the way?
Manager, could you please review the report?
The meaning of “くれる” is used when one receives a favor or benefit from the giver. In requests, it is expressed with the respectful form “くださる.”
Excuse me, but could you please show me this document?
Could you please come with me up to that place?
Could you please explain it one more time?
Excuse me, but could you please help me?
Let’s Compare
Can you see the difference? The key point lies in perspective.
“いただけませんか” shows respect by humbling one’s own actions, while “くださいませんか” focuses solely on the actions of the other person.
Both are polite expressions, but “くださいませんか” does not carry the same nuance of humility as “いただけませんか.”
There are many other ways to convey politeness in Japanese. However, as shown here, the level of politeness can vary depending on the phrasing, so let’s try to remember these differences.

- “いただく” is the humble form of “もらう” (to receive). “くださる” is the respectful form of “くれる” (to give).
- The difference between humble and respectful language lies in perspective: humble language shows respect by downplaying one’s own actions, while respectful language politely emphasizes the actions of others.
- Both expressions are polite, but “くださいませんか” does not carry a nuance of humility. “いただけませんか” is considered a more polite expression.
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