JLPT N3 Grammar – Difference between “〜ごとに” and “〜たびに”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “〜ごとに” and “〜たびに”
2. ごとに
3. たびに
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: What is the difference between “〜ごとに” and “〜たびに”?
A: These two are used to describe repeated actions. While there is generally no significant difference in meaning, they can sometimes sound unnatural depending on the context. Let’s learn the key points so you can use them naturally.
〜ごとに (JLPT N3)
① Once every ~
② Each, respectively
[V] Verb dictionary form+ごとに
[N] Noun+ごとに
When used with units that represent time or distance, “ごとに” is always used.
There is a convenience store every 500 meters.
The Olympics are held every four years.
When used with words representing a group or collective, such as “company” or “country,” it carries the same meaning as “each.”
I had each class fill out a questionnaire.
⇒ This means “each class.”
Let’s practice in groups.
⇒ This means “in each group.”

If you’d like to know the difference
between “ごと” and “おき,”
please read the article below.
〜たびに (JLPT N3)
Every time something happens, the same thing occurs each time
[V] Verb dictionary form+たびに
[N] Noun+の+たびに
Every time I look at this photo, I remember my childhood.
When used with words like “holiday” or “natural disaster,” it describes something that happens either regularly or irregularly.
Every time I have a day off, I go to the park with my family.
This athlete is still young, but they receive attention every time the Olympics are held.
Every time there is an earthquake, I think about moving away from this town.
Let’s Compare
“ごとに” is often used when something happens or changes at specific intervals or units.
It expresses an objective nuance.
Every time we hold this event, the number of attendees increases.
⇒ As the event is held repeatedly, the number of attendees increases.
Every time he drinks alcohol, he becomes more cheerful.
⇒ He becomes more cheerful as he drinks repeatedly.
“たびに” is used when something always happens whenever a particular event occurs, even though it may not be a regular occurrence. It carries a subjective nuance, and the sentence often contains words that express the speaker’s emotions.
Therefore, after verbs such as 行く (to go), 来る (to come), 見る (to see), 会う (to meet), 帰る (to return), 話す (to talk), or 食べる (to eat), it’s common to see expressions of feelings like admiration or resignation from the speaker.
Every time I see him, I like him more.
Your son is always kind. Every time I see him, I’m impressed.
Yamada never helps, so every time we work together, I get exhausted.
- It is used with words that represent units or a single group.
- It expresses something that occurs or changes at specific intervals or units, in an objective manner.
- It is used with words that describe things that occur regularly or irregularly.
- Even though it’s not something that happens regularly, it’s used when something always happens whenever a particular event occurs.
- In the following sentence, words that express the speaker’s emotions are often used, allowing for subjective expression.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. ごとに
The test is held every three months.
*Since a time unit is being used, “ごとに” is correct.
A. たびに
Every time there’s a typhoon, the trains stop.
*Since it’s an irregular event (typhoon), “たびに” is correct.
A. ごとに
The higher the plane goes, the thinner the air becomes.
*”ごとに” is appropriate here because it’s an objective event, referring to the repeated ascent of the plane.
A. たびに
Every time I talk to my high school friends, I feel nostalgic.
*Since the sentence involves a subjective emotion like “nostalgia,” “たびに” is correct.
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