JLPT N3 Grammar – Difference between “〜ふりをする” and “〜まねをする”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “〜ふりをする” and “〜まねをする”
2. ふりをする
3. まねをする
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Can you explain the difference between “〜ふりをする” and “〜まねをする”?
A: “〜ふりをする” means to pretend something that is not true. On the other hand, “〜まねをする” means to replicate someone’s actions or way of doing things as they are.
ふりをする (JLPT N3)
You do something as if it were the same, even though in reality it is different
[V] Verb plain form+ふりをする
[A] い adjective plain form+ふりをする
[Na] な adjective+ふりをする
[N] Noun +の +ふりをする
[Commonly used verbs]
分かった(Understood), 分からない(Didn’t understand), 知った(Knew), 知らない(Didn’t know), 寝た(Slept), 聞いている(Listening), 聞こえない(Couldn’t hear), 死んだ(Died)
[Commonly used expressions]
知ったかぶりをする(Pretend to know) / 見て見ぬふりをする(Pretend not to see)
My mother called me, but I pretended I didn’t hear because it was troublesome.
Yuki from class pretends to be quiet, but she actually has quite a scary personality.
My boyfriend pretends to be busy, but he’s actually always free.
The man pretended to be a businessman, but he was actually a con artist.
まねをする (JLPT N3)
To copy based on a model
To imitate only the shape or appearance
To replicate someone’s actions or appearance
[V] Verb plain form+ことを+まねする
[N] Noun+の+まねをする
[N] Noun+を+まねする
[Commonly used expressions]
ばかな真似はやめなさい(Stop doing foolish imitations)
I imitated what my father was doing.
The girl is copying the model’s makeup.
Parrots can mimic human speech.
Children often imitate their friends and parents.
Let’s Compare
It is often used to hide or falsify the true state, and it can also involve intentionally deceiving or lying to someone.
My mother called me, but I pretended I didn’t hear because it was troublesome.
⇒ Although I could actually hear, I intentionally hid that fact.
The man pretended to be a businessman, but he was actually a con artist, stealing money from the elderly.
⇒ The man acted like a businessman and intentionally deceived the elderly.
It refers to accurately replicating the actions or appearance of people or things. There is no ill intent, such as lying, but it is used when simply copying or entertaining others.
The girl is copying the model’s makeup.
⇒ The girl is copying the model’s makeup for fun.
My son mimics the sounds of various animals to make me laugh.
⇒ The son is imitating the behavior of animals to entertain his mother.
- It is used when something is not actually in that state but is made to appear as if it is.
- It often involves intentional ill intent.
- It is used when accurately replicating the actions or movements of people or things for personal enjoyment or to entertain others.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. ふり
I pretended to be asleep because I didn’t want to give up my seat to the elderly.
*Since I acted as if I were asleep and didn’t give up my seat, “ふり” is correct.
A. まね
The child is playing by imitating the store clerk.
*Since the child is copying the store clerk for fun, “まね” is correct.
A. ふり
My friend pretended to be kind but was actually speaking badly about me.
*Since the friend acted with ill intent, “ふり” is correct.
A. まね
By imitating Japanese people and speaking Japanese, I got better at it.
*Since they are replicating how Japanese people speak, “まね” is correct.
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