JLPT N3・N5 Grammar – Difference between “〜ついでに” and “〜ながら”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “〜ついでに” and “〜ながら”
2. AついでにB
3. AながらB
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: What is the difference between “〜ついでに” and “〜ながら”?
A: Both “〜ついでに” and “〜ながら” express doing something at the same time, but there are differences in nuance and usage.
AついでにB (JLPT N3)
Taking the opportunity of doing A to also do B
[V] Dictionary form / た form+ついでに
[N] Noun of a する verb+の+ついでに
I made tea while I was up from my seat.
I visited my grandmother’s house while I was out shopping.
I mailed the letter while I was out for a walk.
I’m going to the bank on my way to the gym.
AながらB (JLPT N5)
Doing A and B at the same time
[V] Verb stem form +ながら
I always study while listening to music.
My sister works a part-time job while attending university.
I drank coffee while reading the newspaper.
I’m going to explain now, so please listen while taking notes.

Please read this article to learn about the difference between “ながら” and “つつ”
Let’s Compare
“ついでに” means that there is a primary action (A), and while doing that action, something additional (B) is done.
It is used when doing B is convenient while doing A, and the action of B is performed after A.
I made tea while I was up from my seat.
⇒ Getting up from my seat made it convenient to make tea.
Could you mail this letter while you’re out?
⇒ Taking advantage of going out to request mailing the letter.
It is used when you want to describe two actions, A and B, being done simultaneously.
This can apply to both short-term and continuous actions. The primary action is represented by B.
It does not imply taking advantage of A or doing it because it is convenient.
I always study while listening to music.
⇒ Listening to music and studying are happening at the same time.
I’m raising my child while working a part-time job.
⇒ Both are continuous actions happening simultaneously.
- It is used when there is a primary action (A), and while doing that action, something additional (B) is also done.
- It expresses taking advantage of doing A to also do B.
- It is used when you want to describe two actions happening simultaneously.
- Both A and B can be either short-term or continuous actions.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. ついでに
I went to the bookstore while I was out shopping.
*Since you’re taking advantage of the opportunity to go shopping, “ついでに” is the correct choice.
A. ながら
Let’s talk while drinking tea.
*Since drinking tea and talking are happening at the same time, “ながら” is the correct choice.
A. ついでに
I bought some snacks while buying juice.
*Since you’re taking advantage of the opportunity to buy juice, “ついでに” is the correct choice.
A. ながら
Wang-san attends school while working a part-time job.
*Since both activities are ongoing simultaneously, “ながら” is the correct choice.
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