JLPT N5 Expression – The distinction between “〜ください” and “〜お願いします”

Table of Contents
1. The distinction between “〜ください” and “〜お願いします”
2. ください
3. お願いします
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Can “〜ください” and “〜お願いします” always be used interchangeably?
A: There are times when they can be used interchangeably and times when they cannot.
Difference between “〜ください ” and “〜お願いします”
First, let’s look at these two points.
“ください” is used when the speaker wants to receive something from the other person.
On the other hand, “お願いします” is used when asking the other person for something or seeking their cooperation.
In situations like ordering at a restaurant, as shown below, where you are requesting or asking for something, you can use either.
Excuse me, one Coke, please.
I’ll have the cheeseburger set, please.

ください (JLPT N5)
“ください” is written in kanji as “下さい” and is the honorific form of “くれ”, which means “give me.” (*However, when used with the te-form, it is written in hiragana as “ください.”)
It is used as “~(を)ください”, and the object of the request is usually something tangible.
Two black pens, please.
That watch, please.
Two regular-sized coffees, please.
お願いします (JLPT N5)
When you want something from someone, or when you are requesting assistance or cooperation, you use this expression. You can use “〜をお願いします” for the object you want, and it can also be used as a phrase to accompany a request for assistance or cooperation.
Additionally, when speaking casually or with friends or close acquaintances, simply saying “お願い” is also acceptable
Please cooperate with the donation.
Could you please help me create this document?
Sister, help me with my homework! Please!
Let’s Compare
So, in the following situations, which expression do you think is more appropriate?
1)(タクシーで運転手に言う)「すみません、新宿駅まで(① )」
(Speaking to a taxi driver) “Excuse me, to Shinjuku Station, please.”
2)ゆきちゃん、ここの答え教えて!(② )!
Yuki, tell me the answer here, please!
The correct answer for both ① and ② is “お願いします”.
In ①, you are making a request, and in ②, you are asking for cooperation. In these cases, you cannot substitute “ください”.
*Note that ② is not “教えてください” (te-form + “ください”), so be careful.
ください | お願いします | |
When requesting something from someone | ◯ | ◯ |
When asking for assistance or cooperation from someone | × | ◯ |
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. Both are correct
Excuse me, a coffee and a sandwich, please.
*Since the speaker is requesting something, both are correct.
A. お願いします
I’m having a hard time with my work. Could you help me, please.
*Since the speaker is asking for help or cooperation, ” お願いします” is the correct choice.
A. お願いします
Excuse me, to this hotel, please.
*Since the speaker is making a request, ” お願いします” is the correct choice.
A. Both are correct
This restaurant changes its menu depending on the day of the week.
*Since you are requesting something, both are correct.