JLPT N5 Vocabulary – Difference between “とき” and “ころ”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “とき” and “ころ”
2. とき
3. ころ
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Can you explain how to differentiate the usage of “とき” and “ころ” ?
A: Both of these refer to a certain period of time, but there are some differences in their meanings and usage.
とき (JLPT N5)
[V] Verb plain form+とき
[A] い adjective+とき
[Na] な adjective+とき
[N] Noun+の+とき
In Japan, we take off our shoes when entering the house.
He doesn’t contact me when he’s busy.
When life was tough, my parents helped me.
When it rains, I usually stay home and play games.
Words that express specific or momentary events or periods, such as “weather,” use “とき.”
Be careful, as “とき” cannot be used with times of the day or days of the week.
〇 晴れのときは近所を散歩します。
When it’s sunny, I take a walk around the neighborhood.
〇 12時に犬にえさをやります。
× 12時のとき犬にえさをやります。
I feed my dog at 12 o’clock.
〇 水曜日に病院へ行きました。
× 水曜日のとき病院へ行きました。
I went to the hospital on Wednesday.
ころ・ごろ (JLPT N5)
[N] Noun+の+ころ
[N] Noun indicating time+ごろ
When I was a student, I used to stay out late every day.
When I was a child, I often came to this park with my friends.
Let’s meet around 10 o’clock tomorrow.
I woke up around 6 o’clock today.
When expressing time approximately, the reading changes to “ごろ.”
“とき” cannot be used when indicating specific times of the day.
〇 いつも5時ごろ起きます。
× いつも5時のとき起きます。
I always wake up around 5 o’clock.
This ukiyo-e seems to be from around the mid-Edo period.

Let’s study the difference between
“くらい” and “ころ” in this article!
Let’s Compare
“とき” refers to specific, momentary, or clearly defined events or periods.
In contrast, “ころ・ごろ” indicates a general or broader span of time.
In Japan, we take off our shoes when entering the house.
⇒ This is a specific event, “entering the house.”
Let’s meet here again around the time when the cherry blossoms bloom.
⇒ Since we don’t know exactly when the cherry blossoms will bloom, it represents a broader period.
In some cases, both “とき” and “ころ” can be used, but their meanings slightly differ.
When I was a child, I loved anime.
⇒ Using “とき” refers to a specific period in childhood, while “ころ” suggests a broader, less specific time.
- It refers to specific and momentary points in time or clearly defined periods.
- It is used with a wide variety of words.
- It refers to broader or general periods of time.
- The words used with “ころ/ごろ” are more limited in scope.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. ごろ
The meeting will start around 10 o’clock.
“ごろ” is correct because it refers to a specific time.
A. とき
I often traveled when I was young.
*”とき” is correct. However, using “ころ” here would also be acceptable.
A. とき
Trains often stop during a typhoon.
*”とき” is correct because “typhoon” refers to a specific event.
A. ころ
I don’t remember when, but I went to a big amusement park with my mother when I was a child.
*”ころ” is appropriate because the exact period is unclear.
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