Japanese Onomatopoeia – Difference between “どきどき”, “どきっ” and “きゅん”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “どきどき”, “どきっ” and “きゅん”
2. どきどき
3. どきっ
4. きゅん
5. Let’s Compare
6. Summary
7. Quiz
8. Similar Articles
9. Comment
Q: “What is the difference between “どきどき”, “どきっ” and “きゅん”
A: We’ll introduce three onomatopoeic expressions frequently used by Japanese people to describe emotions! “どきどき”, “どきっ” and “きゅん” are sound effects that represent the sound of the heart. While they are often written in both hiragana and katakana, there is no difference in meaning.
Let’s take a closer look at each one.
どきどき・ドキドキ (JLPT N3)
① A state of feeling intense anxiety or nervousness
② The feeling of being overwhelmed with affection for someone you like
③ The feeling of excitement and anticipation for something
*There is no difference in meaning whether written in hiragana or katakana.
Will I be able to do well at tomorrow’s presentation? I’m nervous and my heart is pounding.
The senior from Class A is so cool! Just looking at him makes my heart race!
My life in Japan starts next week! I wonder how it will be. I’m excited and my heart is pounding.
A feeling of being extremely surprised when something sudden happens (the emotion felt in that exact moment)
*There is no difference in meaning whether written in hiragana or katakana.
A cat suddenly jumped out, and it startled me.
My eyes met with the senior I like, and it made my heart skip a beat.
① The feeling of your chest aching with affection for someone you like
② The feeling of being deeply moved by something, leading to a sense of sadness or heartache
*There is no difference in meaning whether written in hiragana or katakana.
Thinking about my senior makes my heart flutter.
Watching the scene where the protagonist dies in the movie made my heart ache with sadness.
Let’s Compare
These two expressions can be used in both positive and negative situations, but “どきどき” is used for longer periods of time, while “どきっ” is used for momentary events.
Will I be able to do well at tomorrow’s presentation? I’m nervous and my heart is pounding.
⇒ The state of nervousness continues from the present moment until the presentation.
A cat suddenly jumped out, and it startled me.
⇒ This expresses the surprise felt at the moment the cat jumped out.
My eyes met with the senior from Class A, and it made my heart skip a beat! My herat is still beating fast!
⇒ The momentary event of making eye contact is expressed with “ドキッ”, while the continued feeling afterward is expressed with “ドキドキ(している)”.
“きゅん” also expresses momentary feelings, similar to “どきっ,” but “どきっ” is used when something sudden happens. However, “きゅん” is used to describe the overwhelming affection the speaker feels for someone they like, or the emotional, heart-wrenching feeling that makes them want to cry. For this reason, “きゅん” is often used together with words like “chest” or “heart.”
The senior from Class A is tall, cool, and really amazing. Just thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat.
⇒ This expresses the feeling of heartache when thinking about how wonderful the senior is.
The ending of this movie is truly emotional, and no matter how many times I watch it, it always tugs at my heart.
⇒ This expresses the heart-wrenching feeling of watching an emotional movie that makes you want to cry.
- ① A state of feeling intense anxiety or nervousness.
- ② The feeling of being overwhelmingly in love with someone you have affection for.
- ③ The feeling of excitement and anticipation for something.
- The feeling of being extremely surprised when something sudden and unexpected happens.
- ① The feeling of being deeply in love with someone.
- ② A state of feeling so emotional or heartbroken that it makes you want to cry.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. どきどき
I forgot to do my homework… I’m nervous about telling the teacher.
* It expresses the nervousness about telling the teacher, so “どきどき” is the correct answer.
A. きゅん
This story is so sad, it makes my heart ache.
*It expresses a sad and emotional feeling, so “きゅん” is the correct answer.
A. どきっ
My boss suddenly called my name, and it startled me.
*It describes surprise at a sudden event, so “どきっ” is the correct answer.
A. きゅん
Yuki: “What do you like about your boyfriend?”
Kaori: “He’s handsome and kind. Just thinking about him makes my heart flutter!”
*It expresses overwhelming affection for the boyfriend, so “きゅん” is the correct answer.
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