JLPT N3・N5 Vocabulary – Difference between “いろいろ” and “様々”

Table of Contents
1. Difference between “いろいろ” and “様々“
2. いろいろ
3. 様々
4. Let’s Compare
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Are “いろいろ” and “様々” the same?”
A: Both “いろいろ” and “様々” are na-adjectives used to mean ‘many kinds.’ While they can often be interchangeable, let’s learn their subtle differences.
いろいろ (JLPT N5)
Having many kinds
Having a large number of items of a certain type
[Key Point]
・The focus is on the large number within the same category.
*This word is often written in kanji as “色々,” but it is not included in the kanji officially designated by the government for daily use. In official documents, hiragana is used, but kanji can be used in other contexts. (In this guide, we use the hiragana form.)
This bakery has a variety of breads.
⇒ The category is “bread,” referring to the large variety.
I met various people at the party today.
⇒ The category is “people,” referring to having talked with many people.
There are pens in various colors.
⇒ The category is “pens,” referring to the large variety of colors.
Various flowers are blooming in the garden.
⇒ The category is “flowers,” referring to the large variety blooming in the garden.
様々 (JLPT N3)
Each item is different
Things are individually distinct
[Key Point]
The kanji “様” means “appearance” or “form.” Rather than focusing on a broad genre, it emphasizes the individual shape, function, or content of each item, expressing that each one is different.
Hearing various perspectives is important.
⇒ It expresses the differences in each perspective.
We received various opinions from customers.
⇒ Refers to the differences in the content of each opinion.
This brand has stores in various countries in Asia.
⇒ The countries are each different.
There are various causes for this issue.
⇒ Refers to the differences in each cause.
Let’s Compare
These two can be interchanged, but it’s important to use them appropriately depending on the situation.
First, ‘いろいろ’ is more suitable for casual, everyday situations. It is used when simply expressing a large variety of something.
“様々” emphasizes the differences between each individual item and is used more in formal or written contexts compared to “いろいろ.” In formal situations, “様々” sounds more polite.
〇 この電気屋にはいろいろなパソコンがあります。
〇 この電気屋には様々なパソコンがあります。
This electronics store has a variety of computers.
〇 わあ、いろいろなパンがあるね。おいしそう!
△ わあ、様々なパンがあるね。おいしそう!
Wow, there are so many different kinds of bread! They look delicious!
(In an academic paper)
〇 様々な点から考えるとこのような結論になります。
△ いろいろな点から考えるとこのような結論になります。
Considering various points, this is the conclusion.
(In a business context)
〇 お客様からの様々な意見をお待ちしております。
△ お客様からのいろいろな意見をお待ちしております。
We look forward to hearing various opinions from our customers.
However, as in the following examples, expressions of gratitude are fixed phrases, so they cannot be interchanged, even in business situations.”
I really appreciate the various ways my boss and seniors have helped me.
I am grateful to my parents for all they’ve done.
I apologize for the various troubles I caused the other day due to my mistakes.
These two can often be interchanged, but cannot be used in fixed expressions, so be cautious.
- Focuses on the large number within the same category.
- It is widely used in everyday contexts.
- Expresses that each one is different.
- It is more suitable for formal contexts, and is used in more literary expressions.”
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. いろいろ
Yumi: “Which one will you choose?”
Maria: “Hmm, there are so many options, I can’t decide.”
*Since it’s a casual conversation, “いろいろ” is appropriate.
A. 様々な
As a result of various investigations, we have discovered the following.
*The formal tone suggests that “様々な” is appropriate.
A. いろいろ
Thank you very much for everything the other day.
*Since it’s an expression of gratitude, “いろいろ” is the correct choice.
A. 様々な
I’m very pleased to have met various people.
*The formal tone suggests that “様々な” is appropriate.