JLPT N5 Vocabulary – Why is “多い + noun” not correct?

Table of Contents
1. Why is “多い+名詞” not correct?
2. 多い
3. Why can’t we say “多い + noun”?
4. 多く
5. Summary
6. Quiz
7. Similar Articles
8. Comment
Q: Why is “多い + noun” incorrect?
A: The reason is that “多い” does not function as an adjective in its intended manner because it does not describe the inherent characteristics or qualities of a noun directly.
多い (JLPT N5)
・The quantity or degree is relatively large
・There is a large number or amount of things
There are a lot of people today.
My salary is higher than my husband’s salary.
There are a lot of people traveling during summer vacation.
This store has a lot of customers and is always lively.
Why can’t we say “多い + noun” ?
Adjectives serve the role of either functioning as predicates or modifying nouns to describe their properties or characteristics in detail.

That mountain is very beautiful.
⇒ This means that the mountain’s characteristic is “beautiful.”

I bought a durable pair of shoes.
⇒ This means that the shoes’ characteristics are “durable.”
So, why can’t “多い” modify nouns?
Adjectives like “きれい” (beautiful) and “丈夫” (durable) describe the properties or characteristics of the noun itself. However, “多い” refers to the “number of something,” not the inherent characteristics of the noun. Therefore, it is necessary to first specify what the “number or quantity” refers to.

There are many cats.
⇒ It is not that the nature or characteristic of the cats is “many,” but rather that “the number of cats is high.”

I’m happy this month because my salary is higher.
“多い” has a noun form, “多く.” While “多い + noun” is not possible, “多くの + noun” is used and is more common in written language than in spoken language.
Many people are heading to the station.
⇒ This expresses a large number of people heading to the station.
Life would be easier if you don’t desire too much.
⇒ This means not desiring many things.
- “多い” differs from other adjectives in that it refers to the “quantity of something” rather than describing a characteristic or feature. Therefore, it cannot be used directly with a noun as “多い + noun.”
- On the other hand, “多く” is used as the noun form of “多い” and requires “の” when modifying a noun.
Read the following sentence and choose the expression that fits the context from the options provided in the parentheses.
Click on the question to check the answer.
A. 多くの
Many people were waiting for the completion of this project.
*Since a noun (people) follows, “多くの” is the correct choice.
A. 多い
Shibuya is crowded with people and it’s tiring.
*As it is used as a predicate, “多い” is the correct choice.
A. 多くの
This singer has many fans.
*Since a noun (fans) follows, “多くの” is the correct choice.
A. 多い
This cake is very sweet. Isn’t there a lot of sugar in it?
*As it is used as a predicate, “多い” is the correct choice.